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15 May 17:30Oracle Sweden

Jforum #119

Meet the Java GC team at Oracle

We are excited to announce a meetup hosted by Oracle. Please register here to secure your spot.

17:30 Doors open, light food and drinks

18:00 First talk - Garbage First Ratatouille by Thomas Schatzl and Ivan Walulya

This talk is going to be a wild potpourri of changes showing how the G1 collector has been getting out of the way of your Java application in the past few releases and beyond. It highlights a few little gems that might have slipped through general perception but are things that we GC engineers at Oracle really like to talk about.

Thomas Schatzl is a GC engineer at Oracle working predominantly on the G1 garbage collector for more than 11 years now.

Ivan Walulya is a GC engineer working at Oracle. He joined the GC-team in 2020 and has been active in OpenJDK since then with a focus on the G1 garbage collector.


18:45 Second talk - Generational ZGC: Paving the on-ramp by Erik Österlund

An important goal of the ZGC project has always been ease of use. This talk will provide a sneak peek at the future, discussing what Oracle GC engineers are currently doing to take ZGC usability to the next level.

Dr. Erik Österlund is a GC engineer from Oracle and has been working primarily on ZGC since 2016.


19:30 Mingling

If, for any reason, you find that you can no longer attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP.

Here's why it matters:

  • Limited Capacity: The event has a limited capacity, and updating your RSVP can open up spots for others who are eager to join.
  • Less Food Waste: Updating your RSVP helps us reduce food waste by ensuring we prepare just enough to satisfy your taste buds.
  • Respect for Fellow Attendees: By updating your RSVP promptly, you're showing consideration for your fellow attendees. They will have a more enjoyable time knowing that we've planned for an accurate number of guests.
  • Enhanced Experience: A well-planned event is a memorable event. Your updated RSVP will help us tailor the experience to your needs, making it more enjoyable for everyone.


Organized by

Mattias Karlsson
Mohammed Aboullaite